Discussion Forum

Deterioration of Public Debate

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Every two weeks, the Dialogue of the Americas on Freedom of Expression on the Internet will present a set of questions to foster information gathering, knowledge exchange, and multi-stakeholder debate on each of the Dialogue’s topics.

Join the conversation! All interested and interested people and actors, regardless of sector or level of expertise, are invited to contribute as much as they wish on each issue.

Set of questions


You can read and comment any contribution made by organizations and people here.

NOTE: Remember that contributions are not automatically posted. When submitted via the form, responses are received and processed by the Dialogue team in accordance with the Conditions of Participation, and only after they are posted for review and comments by other parties. The opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the authors or entities and do not necessarily reflect the positions of RELE-IACHR or other States, international organizations, representatives of the private sector and civil society partners of the Dialogue of the Americas.

Participation in this activity follows Dialogue’s Conditions of Participation and Privacy Policy.


When we refer to the Deterioration of the Public Debate, we speak of the emergence of all kinds of intentional interference that makes it difficult or prevents citizens from exercising their right to express, receive and share opinions and information from various sources and, therefore, hinders participation in democratic decisions, such as elections or formulation of public policies and laws. (“Guide to guarantee Freedom of Expression against deliberate misinformation in electoral contexts” Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, 2019.).

It is important to consider that freedom of expression does not prohibit but rather offers a certain margin of protection against speech that can be classified as erroneous and wrong, regardless of the subsequent responsibilities that may be applied. It is an obligation of the State to remain neutral and promote initiatives that make the Internet a healthy space for democratic exercise without this being understood as permission to modulate Public Debate.

Join the forum by responding to the first set of questions available!

Second set of contributions

Aporte de Coletivo Intervozes

Aporte de Eliana Quiroz de InternetBolivia 

Aporte de Derechos Digitales 

First set of contributions

Aporte de Derechos Digitales

Aporte de Olivia Bandeira de Intervozes

Aporte de Liliam Arrieta