
Digital Literacy


The Interviews section presents opinions and perspectives from experts in each thematic axis. Meet some relevant voices in Digital Literacy for the development of civic skills and check back for more upcoming interviews.

The interviews below were conducted in the respondent’s preferred language, and their transcription and translation to all the Dialogue’s languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish) process was carried out through an automated process followed by human review. Therefore, there is a possibility of error in the texts and subtitles. If you detect any inaccuracies or errors in the translation or interview captions, please notify us by email cidhreledialogo(at)oas(dot)org. The interviews contained on the Diálogo website do not imply endorsement or consent by RELE or the IACHR with what is expressed in them.

A escola e a alfabetização digital no desenvolvimento de habilidades cívicas

Beatriz Cardoso

Available transcriptions in spanish, english and portuguese.

A alfabetização digital deve abordar os impactos das tecnologias para a vida em sociedade

Priscila Goncales

Available transcriptions in spanish, english and portuguese.

O usuário não é o único responsável por sua alfabetização digital

Nelson Pretto

Available transcriptions in spanish, english and portuguese.

Seguimos educando: El papel fundamental de la Alfabetización Digital frente a desafíos globales

Sebastián Novomisky

Subtitles are available in Spanish, English and Portuguese on YouTube. D

on’t forget to enable subtitles.